・ 近年、日本で就労する外国人労働者数は170万人程います。
・ 日本人、外国人ともに心身に障害を負った場合は障害年金を受給できることがあります。
・ 海外勤務されていた方、外国人労働者の方、日本と海外の年金が受給できる場合があります。
* The number of foreign workers in Japan has been up to 1.7 million these days.
The labor trouble between a Japanese employer and foreign workers are increasing as well.
The labor condition or rules of employment written in language a foreign worker understands shall be necessity.
* If you are disablity person, you may claim for the disabliety pension.
* If you have been worked at overseas, you may claim for the old-age pension from both countries.